Im playing around with a flash game idea of mine.
Trying to connect the flash file to my java socket server.
Having a few problems as it seems the flash file will not output data from the socket when i know its being written (well pretty sure atleast).
The java server recognizes the connection and sends a request for a password to the client but the private function handleData(msg) { does not seem to get this request.
What did i do wrong?
Heres my current class file
package AS.socket{
import flash.errors.;
import flash.events.;
import flash.net.Socket;
import AS.encryption.*;
public class socketConnector2 {
private var encrypter:rot;
public function socketConnector2(en:rot) {
encrypter = en;
var host:String="";
var port:int=9765;
var connection=new Socket();
connection.connect(host, port);
connection.addEventListener(Event.CLOSE, handleDisconnect);
connection.addEventListener(Event.CONNECT, handleConnection);
connection.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.SOCKET_DATA, handleData);
private function handleConnection(success) {
private function handleData(msg) {
trace("Data: " + msg);
private function handleDisconnect() {
P.S. if anyone would like to take the time to explain to me how i should send data to and from the client id be much obliged. I’ve heard its not good to send strings of the data…
was considering sending things like **/c 123.4 324.1 **to the server were the /c tells the server its a coordinate and the following two terms are the x and y coordinates. Whys that bad? (and if its bad what should i do?)