This may be a weird question to ask. Below I have a simple php/mysql query which pulls some simple data.
I’ve figured out how to display it all in Flash. yay for me!
Now here’s what I’m not sure about. If someone updates the database, adding a few new rows in the table, can Flash refresh on it’s own so the new records show in the flash movie?
mysql_pconnect ("Host name", "User Name", "Password");
mysql_select_db ("Datebase Name");
// commentbook is the name of the table. If you have a different table name, use that
$qResult = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM commentbook ORDER BY id DESC");
$nRows = mysql_num_rows($qResult);
$rString ="&Totalnumber_of_entries=".$nRows;
for ($i=0; $i< $nRows; $i++){
$row = mysql_fetch_array($qResult);
$rString .="&ID".$i."=".$row['ID']."&visitor".$i."=".$row['visitor']."&time".$i."=".$row['time']."&comment".$i."=".$row['comment'];
echo $rString."&";
Or does flash have more than one way to reload all the data again?