Consolidate code help

I want to consolidate some code…

Im trying to import varibles, and I dont want to have it written out 28 times. I figured this task could be done using an array or function with parmaters. I dunno about this stuff. I need some help writing it:

_root[“practiceQuestion”+practiceQuestionNumber+“Quiz”+quizNumber+“Status”] =[“SO_practiceQuestion”+practiceQuestionNumber+“Quiz”+quizNumber+“Status”];

practiceQuestionNumber = I have 6 practice questions
quizNumber = Each of the 6 practice questions has this many quizes (In order) 5,6,4,4,5,4 (For example practice question 1 has 5 quizes, practice question 2 has 6 quizes and so on.)

So I have a total of 28 questions…

If you have any questions let me know.
