Constructor throws number of args error

I’m a bit mystified here. In an .as file I have…

 import flash.display.*;
 public class Dot extends MovieClip{
  public var foo:Number;
  public var nerb:String;
  private var gen:int;
  public function Dot(x,y:Number){
   this.x = x;
   this.y = y;

In my .fla I have…

var posX:Number = Math.random()*425 + 25;
var posY:Number = Math.random()*375 + 25;
var dot:Dot = new Dot(posX,posY);

… I get [COLOR=red]1136: Incorrect number of arguments. Expected 0.[/COLOR]
Didn’t I specify that the constructor takes two arguments? :puzzle: Many thanks for any input.