Contact form stopped working...HELP!

Hello- Ever since I started editing my .fla with CS3 (still using AS2 though) my contact form stopped working.

My AS is:
on (release) {
if (!Sname.length) {
this.Sname_err.text = " *Required"
}else if (!Semail.length){
this.Semail_err.text = " *Required"
}else if (!Squestion.length){
this.Squestion_err.text = " *Required"
} else {
loadVariablesNum(“form.php”, 0, “POST”);

form.php being the file on the server that “supposedly” sends the mail.

The PHP is:

   $to = "<my-email-address>";
   $subject = "Initiate Contact!!";
   $messageOut .= "==================================================
    $messageOut .= "= Contact Form
    $messageOut .= "==================================================
    $messageOut .= "Name: ".$_POST['name']."
    $messageOut .= "Email: ".$_POST['email']."
    $messageOut .= "Phone: ".$_POST['phone']."
    $messageOut .= "Question: ".$_POST['question']."

// send email

    mail($to, $subject, $messageOut, "From: my-email-address
Reply-To: $email


Do any of you guys (or girls) see anything that would make it stop working? It worked before, but all of a sudden it’s giving me problems and not sending any mail. Any help you could give me would be sweet.

Thanks in advance,