hmm… I’m barely entering this realm. Do you guys know of any tutorials on content management? I’m doing a site for a church, and they want to update their website constantly, but they don’t know anything about html or servers or anything. So I’m going to have to build their website so that they can manage content easily. Are there any php tools already available for this, so that I don’t have to do everything from scratch?
or maybe I’m thinking about this the wrong way?
I usually just make the update pages myself. Save everything into a database and make it easy for them to update all their info…
It depends on what kind of updating they will be doing. If it’s a newsletter kind of thing, I would recommend looking into Moveable Type. With a little trickery, Moveable Type can be used for a whole lot of things.
thank you Renni, I was looking for something like that.
I would get a php newsscript and programm something in php to make the normal site changeable…
or just say you’ll be on call at all times… do a little addition and charge a set price every time. I know… dont want to hear it…but if they are willing to pay a small fee (say 20 bucks) when they want it updated and they dont want to worry about it – everyone wins.
Yeah… Do the news-scripting idea… And then… Plop in a couple of additives for each page…
It’s like making a forum… Usually all of the pages I create anymore I make it so I can go into a mod site and change everything with fields and stuff like that… Choose a color from a point and click thing for the field for say… A title bar… And stuff like that…
Make forms and then have them save the information in a text-file or database… Then just load them up… Always remember… You can save HTML in a text-file
Later this year, Churchill is splashing out something close to half a million for a portal and content management system. Ouch. It’s meant to make maintenance of sites a lot simpler though.
Oh god… I’ll do it for them for $250,000 instead of their half a mill lmao
playamarz ~ :player:
They’re going through whacking great consulting companies… I’ve got three proposals sitting on my desk that I have to sort through and provide a technical opinion on, since everyone else in E-Commerce is a Project Manager I’m the only one who can do it. :sigh:
Fine fine fine… $100,000 will do too… lmao
God I wish i could find a deal like that…
playamarz ~ :player:
I think we’ve got Computer Associates pitching for this. Some people called Obtree, and someone else.
All Single Sign On and portal technology. Very good idea, but horrendously expensive. I was thinking about trying something myself in ColdFusion, but they’d rather cough up the 500K. :sigh:
That’s crazy… I wish I could find a company around here that would do that…
I wouldnb’t do it in Coldfusion though… I still don’t trust that yet lol
I’m learning it. It’s pretty cool, tag based like HTML so if you know that you can pick it up fairly quickly. The good thing about it is that it will run on any platform and pull info from any database program. It’s Java based as well, so it’s quick.
I guess we’ll have to see about it. Companies in England have been very slow on the uptake.
*Originally posted by Ryall *
**or just say you’ll be on call at all times… do a little addition and charge a set price every time. I know… dont want to hear it…but if they are willing to pay a small fee (say 20 bucks) when they want it updated and they dont want to worry about it – everyone wins.
Peace **
the client is requesting content management. That’s why I was asking about it.
*Originally posted by Kitiara *
**I’m learning it. It’s pretty cool, tag based like HTML so if you know that you can pick it up fairly quickly. The good thing about it is that it will run on any platform and pull info from any database program. It’s Java based as well, so it’s quick.
I guess we’ll have to see about it. Companies in England have been very slow on the uptake. **
Doesnt php do that too? There’s php for every platform…
Anyways… what’s so freaking awesome about ColdFusion? When I tried to get hosting, a ColdFusion server cost 3 times as much as a regular one.
is it easier to use with flash, etc?
Try phpNuke. Its a pre-packaged FREE content management tool. Uses MySQL as backend database. Cant get easier than that.
hmm… you’re giving me some good ideas.
I love having a mySQL database… I just installed a group management tool so that my partners and I can coordinate with our little company. It’s called PHProject … here:
Do you guys know of any other php components that are just plain awesome?
Moveable Type is free and has MySQL options It’s easy to set up… you should have it running in under an hour.
Well it’s free for non-profit sites… so I’m sure it’s not a problem for a church to use it.
The new ColdFusion MX will work perfectly with Flash MX… The site they tell people to look at is and go to the room booking system. It’s a Flash / ColdFusion hybrid.