Content Management

Hey, I’m looking for a good content management with a nice GUI, so it’s easy to handle and it should be for free. Does anyone have experiences with this stuff and can recommend me something ?

Man… Everyone wants things for free…

Well… there is a program system called PHPNuke…

But like most content management systems… THEY ARE UGLY and they all pretty much suck…

I would take the time to develop a system but I don’t have the time to take to do that right now. :slight_smile:

I know phpnuke, but it’s not that great and it’s not what I’m looking for.
I’m looking for a cms like or
But typo3 is way to complex and contenido is crashing on my apache webserver running on my win2000 pc…

If you search on Google you will loads of them for under $100.00 so if your site is really popular, it will be a good investment.

Well, I know there are already 314 alone on but I don’t want to spend days to find the best one for me :smiley:

content management with nice graphical user interface

Hmmm… something new for me, elaborate plz, what is content management, if it’s what i have in mind then i m just confused over the term, but please do explain, thanks :slight_smile:

Right now I’m storing the content of my pages in php files and include them into the design. That’s quite nice, but you can’t edit the content from everywhere and you have to be familiar with html. I need a system that cares about the content, sorts it and makes it easy to edit and manage.

oh database management, i made an interface for rural monitor programme(government of india) programming was done by one of the developers, i ll call him tomorrow n if i find something helpful, will inform u.

thanks, sounds great :slight_smile:

you may want to look at XOOPS:

I’m making an inventory management system right now for my database management line called XTFD… The system used is IAM…

Inventory Administration Management… It’s a gui interface and you use forms to change information and all that fun stuff…

XTFD - X-tended Text File Databsing is like a mySQL cept it uses text files and is slightly faster than mySQL too… Plus it doesn’t have the boggled connection feed problems :wink:

Making a system like this is a complete pain if you don’t take the time and map everything out how you want it to be handled… But, you most likely will have to experiment with alot of things. :slight_smile:

Is what I’m working with right now… All information (news and vehicles) are taken from an .xtf file that’s handled by the XTFD system and placed on there in a special way. The .xtf files can be handled by the iam system I created and changed around quickly and efficiently…

If I had a demo of it up I’d show you… but I don’t want to give you the pass to my client’s IAM system… GImme until tonight and I’ll place it on my server as a testing demo of sorts.

I found a nice site with several great cms systems for free: