Control over XML menu placement in Flash MX


Well, I finally have a working XML menu.

Now I am really stuck on how I can control the placement of the items.
Here is the example.

Notice how far off base it is?

Here is my ActionScript

menuXml = new XML();
menuXml.ignoreWhite = true;
menuXml.onLoad = function() {
	menuItem = this.firstChild.childNodes;
	for (var i=0; i<menuItem.length; i++) {
		item = _root.attachMovie("itemClip", "itemClip" + i, i);
		item._x = 40;
		item._y = 33*i;
		item.itemLabel.text = menuItem*;
		item.myUrl = menuItem*.attributes.url;
		item.onRelease = function() {

I do not have very much control with just these two functions

item._x = 40;
		item._y = 33*i;

So what I am wondering is if there are any functions where I can control where the menu starts ends, etc.

In fact, I also want to have control over a Title. Is there a way I can just add it to the stage, name the dynamic taxt box, and have it apper inside? Much like reading from a txt file?

I know it is a bunch of questions, but any, I mean any help is greatly appreciated!