Controlling a MC within a slideout menu MC (AS2)

I am trying to control a movieclip within a movie clipa and can’t figure out how to write the actionscript so that I can have a slide out menu that is triggered with a onrollOvercome out and have the buttons (also movieclips that act like btns) function properly.

I’ve included the fla file and here is the AS i’ve put on the first line.
slide_mc.onRollOver = function () {
slide_mc.gotoAndPlay (2);
slide_mc.onRollOut = function () {
slide_mc.gotoAndPlay (16);
_root.slide_mc.tester.onRelease = function(){
_root.slide_mc.tester.gotoAndStop (2);

I want the slide out panel on the left to come out when the mouse comes over it, slide back when the mouse rolls out and have the buttons within it change colors when the mouse rolls over them.

Thanks in advance,