Controlling and array specific to one movie clip

What I’m trying to do is control the other movie clips (adImages_mc, pressRelease_mc, and about_mc) to not pause when clicking between the 3 of them, but only when going from having the features_mc selected to selecting one of the others… does that make sense? Please dumb down explanations, I’m just a designer trying to learn code.

import caurina.transitions.Tweener;

var bArr:Array = new Array(features_mc, adimages_mc, pressRelease_mc, about_mc);
var btnXShift:Array = new Array(84.5, 503.5, 619.6, 755.2);
var btnXDef:Array = new Array(277.8, 380.5, 496.6, 755.2);
var sliderX:Array = new Array(84.5, 380.5, 496.6, 755.2);

for(var i:uint = 0; i< bArr.length; i++)
	bArr*.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, handleClick);
	bArr*.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, handleOver);
	bArr*.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, handleOut);
	bArr*.index = i;

function handleOver(f:MouseEvent)
	for each (var q:MovieClip in bArr)
		if( != q)

function handleOut(f:MouseEvent)
	for each (var q:MovieClip in bArr)
		if( != q)

function handleClick(e:MouseEvent)
	// changes color of button text
	for each (var j:MovieClip in bArr)
		if( != j)
		Tweener.addTween(j, {transition:"easeIn", _color: 0xffffff, time:.5})
		Tweener.addTween(, {transition:"easeIn", _color: 0x413000, time:.5})
	// shifting x position into shift location which corrosponds to the features active state 
	if( == features_mc)
		Tweener.addTween(, {transition: "easeIn", x:btnXShift[], time:.5});
		Tweener.addTween(slider_mc, {transition: "easeIn", x:sliderX[], time:.5});
		Tweener.addTween(featuresub_mc, {transition: "easeInExpo", y:619.5, time:.5});
		for each( var p:MovieClip in bArr)
			if(p != features_mc)
				Tweener.addTween(p, {transition: "easeIn", x:btnXShift[p.index], time:.5});
	// shifting x position to default location which corrosponds to all active states minus features
		Tweener.addTween(featuresub_mc, {transition: "easeOutExpo", y:663.5, time:.5, onComplete:function (){def()}});
		function def(){ 
			Tweener.addTween(, {transition: "easeIn", x:btnXDef[], time:.5});
			Tweener.addTween(slider_mc, {transition: "easeIn", x:sliderX[], time:.5});
		for each( var k:MovieClip in bArr)
			Tweener.addTween(k, {transition: "easeIn", x:btnXDef[k.index], time:.5});