Hi, i’ve just registered to this forum in the hope of more qualified advice, i’m fairly new to actionscript and really struggling with some code.
I’m having some trouble with the attached file, i’ve tried lots of things but just can’t seem to control the movie clip.
On click on ‘Detailing’ from the landing page a new slide slides onto the stage ‘content3’.
Within this i have added a separate graphic with a tween ‘gr_detailcopytest’. I want it to start only when it lands within the main stage’s masked area. i also want the tween to stop too after its played out.
I have tried adding a stop action at the end of the tween but this stops the tween altogether - frustrating!
Furthermore, when i click on another menu item and go back to ‘Detailing’ I want the tween to start again.
Not sure what to do, can somebody help?
Thanks v much.