Controlling sound using AS3

Hey Guys,
I have a site (100% flash AS3) that I’d like to have background music playing while people happily click around the site. That is until they click on the “Audio” page where I need the background music to fade out so they can click on the mp3’s on that page. Once they click out of that page, I’d like the background music to fade in again. I was thinking that I’d load the background music at the beginning of the site with a UILoader. When the “Audio” page is clicked, I would call the soundTransform class to set the volume of the background music to 0 (letting them listen to the mp3’s on that page). Once they click out of that page, all other pages would have action script to reset the volume of the background music. So, does that sound right or is there a better way? Thanks in advance to anyone willing to help out a novice.