Controlling swf's

Hi everyone :slight_smile:

What I want to do is:

I have 2 swf’s one loaded in level0 and another loaded in level1 (called from the first one). I want to put a button on the second swf that would control the first one by telling him to go to an exact scene and frame just like the gotoAndPlay action.

Is this possible?

in the first SWF:

var newSWF = this.loadMovie("myNewSWF.swf");
var newSWFBut = newSWF.attachMovie("buttonMovieID", "newNameForButton", newDepth);
newSWFBut.onRelease = function() {


maybe I’m not explaining myself well… :upset:

I have a 1st movie (one.swf) that on is first frame have this action: loadMovieNum(“two.swf”, 1);
and on the 2nd movie (two.swf) I have a button that I want to assign an gotoAndPlay action to control the 1st movie.

I have tried this:

on (release) {
_parent.gotoAndPlay(“Scene1”, 2);

And this:

on (release) {
_level0.gotoAndPlay(“Scene1”, 1);

And none worked, why is that? anyone?


Did you try using framelabels instead of scenenames/framenumbers?


Yes if you follow Scottys advice and use
on (release) {
it will work