Converting to a symbol in library

Is there a way to convert an imported image to a symbol without putting it on the stage? (while it is in the library??)

Select the image and press F8 (??? is that what you mean?)


duplicate the symbol, and change it´s behaviour.

okay i know how to change the behavior when it is already a symbol and also how to convert an imported image to a symbol-
I am talking about if I use the import to library feature, how can I take a jpeg and change it to a graphic without dragging it to the stage…
I want to swap it with another graphic and was hoping to eliminate a step…

Mmmm… don´t think so dude :-\


ok thanks - I’m not a dude :crazy:

hehe :crazy: :stuck_out_tongue:

sorry mam :wink:

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

:thumb: That’s ok sir…hehe

lol :stuck_out_tongue: