Converting vector graphic to bitmap

Hey guys,

I’ve tried several methods to get this working before posting but I can’t seem to get past this one part. Basically, I have a set of assets in my library that are drawn in vector. However, these assets make up different parts of an avatar and thus create a heavy processor load depending on how many avatars on loaded. So… my solution is to convert the vector into a bitmap. I am able to do this successfully; however, I cannot the scale the avatar without losing quality.

Approach 1:
After converting the vectors into bitmaps, the avatar looks correct. If I scale the parent movie clip in which all of the bitmap’s reside, the avatar scales proportionally, but the quality becomes degraded because the bitmaps are stretched. While I could set the bitmap smoothing property, I want to keep as much quality as possible.

Approach 2:
Here, I decided to scale each individual vector and then draw the pixels to a new movieclip at the new scaled size. This produces a bitmap scaled at the desired size and at perfect quality, but because I am not scaling the parent, but each asset individually, the avatar no longer scales proportionately. Instead, the assets move to all different places on the stage.

So the main problem is that after creating the bitmaps and adding them to my avatar skeleton, I can not position them in the correct location because I am not scaling the avatar parent / container clip. I tried scaling each asset from its center point but it still does not work. Has anyone ran into this issue before? There has to be a way to solve this!

