Cool: Apple REALLY listens to their customers!

About a month ago I had to reformat my harddrive, so I backed up all my iTunes songs on my iPod. After the reformatting, and a fresh install of iTunes, I plugged my iPod into my computer and iTunes told me: “The playlists do not match. Would you like to replace the other playlist?”

Well, since my iTunes playlist was empty, I thought it was going to replace my iTunes playlist with my iPod’s… WRONG! It “replaced” my iTunes Music Library songs with my iPod’s! (Mainly, it just deleted all my songs on my iPod!)

So I contacted apple and told them that their dialog box was way too vague, and did not include nearly enough information. It never said which library would be replaced! Finally they contacted me back saying “We will allow you to re-download your songs.” So I did and I got them all back.

However, just yesterday I had to reformat my pc AGAIN! So I did, and I backed up all my songs to my iPod. After the reformat, I plugged in my iPod and iTunes popped up a dialog… “The playlist on your iPod does not match the iTunes Music Library. Would you like to replace the songs of your Library with those of your iPod?”

They changed it!!!

Thanks Apple!

(quotes are not word-for-word the same, but they say the same thing)