Cool lines


Try playing around with the lineTo function by switching around
dx,dy,_xmouse,and _ymouse to different places.

this.onEnterFrame = function() {
	e = 5;
	for (j=0; j<2*Math.PI; j += 0.1) {
		this.createEmptyMovieClip("a"+e, e++);
		d = this["a"+e];
		d.lineStyle(5, 0xabcdef, 100);
		dx = Math.E * Math.LN10 / Math.asin(dx) + Math.tan(j);
		dy = Math.SQRT1_2 + Math.sqrt(j*j) - Math.LN2;
		d.curveTo(_xmouse, dx, dy, _ymouse);
		x = Math.sin(j)+((Math.random()*200));
		y = Math.cos(2*j)+((Math.random()*200));
		d._x = x+200;
		d._y = y+100;