hi ,
i am looking for a simple code.
whenever i type a word it goes a specific frame.
example : when i log into my site, if i type Darkstyle withen 1 min it goes and plays a specific frame and play…
expecting a gud code from the expertise.
thank you,
best regards…
July 24, 2004, 8:52am
I’m no expert…but i think u can have it something like this:
Put this on a movieclip with an input text it in that has the var as inputText:
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (getTimer() == 60000) {
if (inputText == "Darkstyle") {
_root.gotoAndPlay ("spacificFrame")
I’m not sure if that works, but u can try.
July 24, 2004, 9:17am
I’m no expert…but i think u can have it something like this:
Put this on a movieclip with an input text it in that has the var as inputText:
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (getTimer() == 60000) {
if (inputText == "Darkstyle") {
_root.gotoAndPlay ("spacificFrame")
I’m not sure if that works, but u can try.
this code seems to be not working
July 24, 2004, 9:39am
This should work:
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
time = getTimer();
timer = time;
if (time>=60000) {
if (inputText == "Darkstyle") {
} else {
I’ve also added an attachment; you should look at the attachment to get what i mean.
July 24, 2004, 9:54am
wel sorry i forgot to mention i dont want any input filed also. its like i am using a cheat code with the help of key board. without anyone being aware of it.
July 24, 2004, 9:58am
that could be possible…but i gotta work it out first
July 24, 2004, 10:33am
yahoooo!!! i got it!!!..i think.
this must must must work!!!
great wrok dude… u proved that you are really an expert… but dont u think that code are too lengthy?? heheh… any way… i have to admit. nice logic and nice work,
thank you very much…!
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
timer = Math.round(getTimer()/1000);
text = timeLimit-timer;
if (Key.isDown(75)) {
trace("k has been typed");
} else if (Key.isDown(68)) {
} else if (text<=0) {
hmmm one doubt… please could u explain this
if (Key.isDown(75)
what does this (75) stands for ?? if it stand for the chracter or key, what numeric numbers will other key’s will have?
75 stands for K
the number of the keys match the ASCII codes.
will return K
to find out witch the keyvalues, use something like
Key.getCode() will return the value of the key you pressed last
July 25, 2004, 12:35am
you could also go to “Flash Help”, click on “Using Flash” then on “[color=#0000ff][color=black]Keyboard Keys and Key Code Values”. There u can select what kind of keys you want and it’ll have the code in a table form.[/color][/color]
July 25, 2004, 12:36am
THANK YOU!! I’m only 14 so this is a very big achievment for me:P