I have been working on an air app for the last few days. It’s pretty much finished except for one thing.
There is an export button on the app that copies both an exe and app. Now this is where the fun starts. When outputting from the Flash IDE, it works fine. The projector .app runs fine. HOWEVER, when running from the installed AIR package, the .app copies fine, but will not run properly, it just tries to open then doesnt do anything. If I manually copy the .app into the folder and then run, its fine.
Im pretty sure its something to do with folder permissions on the new .app, because obviously a .app is just a package folder.
Anyone else run into this?
Anyone got any ideas?
[EDIT] Well i think i have found the reason, it looks like that when the .app is Packaged into the Air file, it corrupts it somehow… now to just find a fix for this heinous Air crime.