Could anyone help me? :)

Hey all :slight_smile:

So I haven’t used Flash in quite a while, and I’m really rusty now. But my best friend is putting a website together and I’m kinda helping him with the Flash bits.

However, I have a problem.

See, there’s a part that works like this. We have three options:

1- Use Winamp to listen
2- Use WMA to listen
3- Use iTunes

And on the left we have a button. You choose which option you want and click the button, which submits the request.

But I can’t remember how to do this! I’ve been banging my head on the desk for hours now … And I figured I’d ask you guys, since I learned Flash (back when it was still Flash 5 - I am now using Flash 8) from this very site.

Help would be much appreciated.

Thanks :slight_smile: