Couldn't complete operation

Hello everyone,

OK I go to test my movie. But I keep gettin this message:

Couldn’t complete the operation because there was not enough stackspace.

I know this has to do with memory.
But I’m runnin a G5 1.8 dual mac OS X and 768 MB DDR SDRAM

Workin on flash 7.2
the file size is only 1.9.

So here’s the thing When I go to import onto my stage a new odject . The object is a splatter ( ) -
So when I get the odject ionto my stage, I convert the eps to a graphic. Everything still works - Movie can be tested.
But when I make a copy of the graphic . Or import a different slatter .Then I go to test the movie, Thats when I get the error message. Is the splatter too complex or am I doing something wrong

I’ve tried copy and paste onto a new doc - but no good. same old message

Thanks for your time and help