Hi there!
Am a bloody beginner with Flash and one of my first objects struggling with is the Kirupa servertime countdown. The problem I have is cache related and results in the fact that if you return to the page holding the cdown after you have clicked through other pages it counts down again from the time you had first visited that page… not the actual server time.
Now I’ve done some research before bugging you folks…
Meta Expires + Pragma No Cache won’t help … tried it! Then I got to the hint here on this site which says to dynamically create a different ID each time the swf is pulled.
But now my beginner question…
I assume the following needs to be put in the Actionscript, but where??
[font=Courier New]myIdentifier=Math.round(Math.random()10000);
The countdown does not hold a LoadMovie parameter. The description though says that this also works LoadVariables and others… and … what is myIdentifier? Just a placeholder for sthing else?
Any hint would be very much appreciated!