Countdown clock with *server* time

Argh! I’m trying to make a countdown clock to put on a website (showing days/hrs/mins/secs left until a product release) in Flash MX but this “#¤=)(#”#)! Date stuff in Flash is useless since it grabs the time from the client side. How do I get the current date/time from the server and get it into Flash?

I tried literally hundreds of searches on Google (variations on Flash+MX+server side time+countdown+clock+world time+world clock+blah blah blah) but I either find nothing relevant or fancy samples and scripts that involve ASP/PHP/SSI/Whatever, with analog dials and multiple clocks and other distractions.

I just want a simple digital countdown clock based on the CET time on my server. Anyone?

Thanks in advance!

Talking to myself here…

I had an idea. I can use server side includes (.shtm document) on the site. If I use the HTML tag way to pass variables to Flash (like… PARAM NAME=movie VALUE="/example.swf?year=2003> and create the date/time on the fly with SSI DATE_LOCAL, I could calculate the offset between server and client time and… would that work?