The code that I have works perfect in Flash MX. Can anyone help me make this work in Flash 5? I know that sounds ridiculous, but that is what my boss is requesting. Brainy you were a ton of help yesterday thanks again. Below is the AS that I have currently. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me.
currentDate = new Date();
thisYear = currentDate.getFullYear();
eventDate = new Date(thisYear, 1, 20);
eventMillisecs = eventDate.getTime();
counter.onEnterFrame = function(){
currentDate = new Date();
currentMillisecs = currentDate.getTime();
this.msecs = eventMillisecs - currentMillisecs;
if (this.msecs <= 0){
this.secs = Math.floor(this.msecs/1000);
this.mins = Math.floor(this.secs/60);
this.hours = Math.floor(this.mins/60);
this.days = Math.floor(this.hours/24);
this.msecs = string(this.msecs % 1000);
this.secs = string(this.secs % 60);
this.mins = string(this.mins % 60);
this.hours = string(this.hours % 24);
this.days = string(this.days);
while (this.msecs.length < 3) this.msecs = “0” + this.msecs;
if (this.secs.length < 2) this.secs = “0” + this.secs;
if (this.mins.length < 2) this.mins = “0” + this.mins;
if (this.hours.length < 2) this.hours = “0” + this.hours;
while (this.days.length < 3) this.days = “0” + this.days;
for(movie in this){
if (this[movie]._parent == this) this[movie].evaluateFrameFrom(this);
MovieClip.prototype.evaluateFrameFrom = function(variableClip){
var nameArray ="");
var numberSet = variableClip[nameArray[0]];
var character = number(nameArray[1]);
var frame = 1 + number(numberSet.charAt(character));
if (this._currentframe != frame) this.gotoAndStop(frame);