I am trying to countdown to a date next year (2005) and cannot seem to manipulate the code to make it work Help!
eventDate = new Date( 2005, 06, 16 , 18 , 0 , 0 , 0);
What am I doing wrong? Please help.
This is Flash MX.
I am trying to countdown to a date next year (2005) and cannot seem to manipulate the code to make it work Help!
eventDate = new Date( 2005, 06, 16 , 18 , 0 , 0 , 0);
What am I doing wrong? Please help.
This is Flash MX.
ok i gotta go out tonite an dunno wen ill b bak… :S
so i thout id post this 4 ya… its not 100% commented and isnt 100% accurate when months change… but aint had much time…
itd be a lot easier to just hav it counting down with months as well… but u asked for days… so i will giv u days… just u gotta giv me bit mor time im afraid… :S sorry!!
neway, heres the uncommented half code that will work… ish…
post asap wit proper version 4u…
just set a dynbamic text boxes variable to “StringCD” (without quotes) k?
//Event Date = 16-7-2005
EvenD = 16
EvenM = 7
EvenY = 2005
monthsDays = new Array(31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31)//this is an array containing the number of days in each month...
CountDown = setInterval(Rem,1000)
StartCount = false
function Rem(){
Current = new Date()
CY = Current.getFullYear()
CM = Current.getMonth()+1
CurrD = Current.getDate()
CurrM = Current.getMinutes()
CurrH = Current.getHours()
Day = CurrD
calc = true
if(calc == true){
LeftD = 0
LeftMo = 0
if(EvenY == CY){
ML = (EvenM-CM)-1 // calculates number of FULL months remaining when the event year = current year
if(LeftMo <0){
LeftMo = 0
ML = ((((EvenY-CY)*12)-CM)+EvenM)-1//calculates number of FULL months remaining
LeftD = monthsDays[CM]-CurrD
if( CM == EvenM && CY == EvenY){
LeftD = EvenD-CurrD
LeftD += EvenD
MLa = ML
MLa ++
if(MLa == 13){
MLa = 1
calc = false
LeftD += LeftMo-2
LeftM = 60-CurrM
if(LeftM <10){
LeftM = "0"+LeftM
LeftH = 23-CurrH
if(LeftH <10){
LeftH = "0"+LeftH
StringCD = ""
StringCD = LeftD + " Days, " + LeftH + " Hours, " + LeftM + " Minutes"
just stick that on the first frame… note you only want to run this script once so u mite wanna add an if(sumVar!=true){…[code above]… ; sumVar = true} in ifu have multiple frames…
sorry i cant givu finished product just yet but i really gtg… :S
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