I’m a huge fan of Counter-Strike. Therefore I’m founding the Counter-Strike Cult. This cult will (should) consist of Counter-Strike fans.
You wanna join?
[list][]Post your member number in this thread (this should follow on the number of the previous member of course) --> BTW I’m #1
[]Put this piece of code in your footer to show your membership to others.(don’t forget to replace your number by your member number ;))[/list]
<font size="1"></font color>
<font color="darkblue">.::Counter-Strike Cult member <font color="red">#your number</font color>::.</font color> [url**=http://www.kirupaforum.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=48694]--> Join</font** size>
You might wanna change the color of the code a bit but please keep the same text because of the recognition factor.
Thanks, and I hope you like the cult.
BTW: Could one of the mods please sticky this thread?