Counting symbols

can you give me a hint… i have input text for some users comments, and there is a limit of symbols (100)… i want to count how much symbols left to write and write number in dynamic text box

Something like this? =)

I guess he meant something like this

var max_chars = 100;
createTextField("inputField", 1, 0, 0, 200, 20);
createTextField("counterField", 2, 210, 0, 50, 20);
inputField.type = "input";
inputField.border = counterField.border=true;
inputField.maxChars = 100;
inputField.onChanged = updateField;
function updateField() {
	counterField.text = max_chars-inputField.text.length;

ahhh, my bad. I missed the input field part. All I saw was symbols :cantlook:
