Couple of easy questions that i am finding very hard

i just need this one movie clip to play from frame 2 the first time the movie is run…i have tried using an OnEnterFrame action but it doesn’t work and i don’t know why…how does EnterFrame work? will i have to use a variable? it’s so simple-there must be a way of doing this - am i insane?

i checked the Macromedia site and it says…to use this syntax…

myMovieClip.onEnterFrame = function () {
trace (“onEnterFrame called”);

but when i use the left-hand column in the action script panel and add an OnEnterFrame thing i get this syntax…

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {

could someone explain to me what these 2 things are - how i do this thing and whether or not my sense of logic needs addressing…

i keep thinking i’m getting better at Flash then i just hit a brick wall again and again waiting for my disparate bits of knowledge to join up and allow me to solve things intuitively…

any help very helpful
