Hi guys, I just started doing AS3 for Flash and I’m trying to create a flash app that has 2 things inside. An InputTextBox which is called txt_userinput and a Button called btn_submit.
Bascially, the user just need to type in some word in the InputTextBox and press btn_submit. The data will then be sent to a testing.TXT in my DESKTOP. My .FLA file is in MY DOCUMENTS while the testing.TXT is in my DESKTOP.
Question 1: Question is, how do I make the data from txt_userinput to be sent to the .TXT in my DESKTOP?
For example, the user typed “Hello, how are you?” in the InputTextBox. In the .TXT file, I want it to show “Hello, how are you?”.
PS: testing.TXT file is already created in the desktop, just waiting for flash to write the data in and keeps on adding more data in the future in the following format.
An example of the format how inside testing.TXT will look like…
Hello, how are you?
Hi, good to see you!
Good bye.
Help is appreciated please