Create a forum like this one

Ok, I know this topic has most likely been addressed already, but I couldn’t find it anywhere (I did use the search function…!) so don’t kill me for asking again.

I would like to know how to make a forum like this one (maybe not with as many functions) but just a way for people to post threads under different topics, post replies and perhaps attach files/pics.


[FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=gray]Powered by vBulletin Version 3.5.2[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

And for more forum scripts try OpenSourceCMS:

You can check out demos of what they have to see which one may be right for what you’re looking for.

yeah, no sense in reinventing the wheel. go with an already existing forum.

Thanks for the info, guys!

if ur not gonna want to fork out money try out vanilla forums :slight_smile: not bad for small communities- looks nicer than phbb :slight_smile:

Yeah vbulletin was made by a team of coders and has been polished up over the years. One person coding something like this would take a while.