Create multiple empty movie clips

Ok so basically I have a button that will create a empty movie clip and attach some things into that clip When the button is first clicked. My problem is that when the button is clicked a second time. The clip will reload itself and I need it to duplicate. So if I hit the button 5 times, there would be 5 items on the stage.

Here is what I’m doing.

hold1.onPress = function(){
    trace("your hit me");
    //conHolder.hitArea = conHolder.content;
    _root.conHolder.attachMovie("conButs", "conButs", _root.getNextHighestDepth()+1);
    //_root.conHolder._x = 100;
    //_root.conHolder._y = 100;
    _root.conHolder._x += (_root._xmouse-10-this._x); 
  _root.conHolder._y += (_root._ymouse-10-this._y); 

Thanks for any help.