createEmptyMovieClip...set size?help!

i need help in resizing a movieclip created with createEmptyMovieclip.I tried changing the property using setproperty,the result : no image shown at all…
i think i stting a property for a wrong movieclip…am I??please help me…

 addressVars= new LoadVars(); 
addressVars.onLoad = function() {
for (i=0; i<this.n; i++){
myMC = createEmptyMovieClip("holder"+i, i);
myContainer = myMC.createEmptyMovieClip("container", 1);
setProperty("myMC", _width, "35"); //i want to change the clip size so that 
setProperty("myMC", _height, "35"); //it'll appear as thumbnails
myMC._x = (40*i);
myMC._y = (1*i);
pic = new Array();
myMC.pic = (this["picFile"+i]);
myMC.i = i;
myMC.picfile = this["picFile"];
myMC.onPress = function (){