Creating a grid > attachMovie


I’m trying to create a grid of instances of (74x56) clips, and each one of the created instances must be named and numbered in an order so that it goes from left to right, top to bottom. I have been trying this with attachMovie and duplicateMovie, but unable to figure all out. can someone give me a hint?


thats a pretty massive grid :-\ 4100+ is a lot of clips to be attaching

spacing = 5;
for (x = 0; x < 74; x++){
for (y = 0; y < 56; y++){
clip = this.attachMovie("id", "gridClip"+this.depth, this.depth++, {_x: x*spacing, _y: y*spacing});
clip.gridposition = {x: x, y: y};

BTW, the time you spent posting this on the various forums, you could have probably found your answer in a search :wink:

thanks. i will try that now. Thanks again.

*Originally posted by senocular *
BTW, the time you spent posting this on the various forums

Yes, thoriphes knows all about the OTHER FORUMS!!! :a:

Haha!! :stuck_out_tongue: I’m so naïve…

and how would our beloved sen go about knowing that?


pom told me =)

Since I’m new to actionscript and to programing, I also need to look to a forum full of people (like you all), wiling to answer and help a guy like me. So i might add that this is one of the best. He he!
ok maybee THE BEST OFF ALL.

By the way, i had previously to my post tried the tuturial you mentioned, and it works in a certain sense, but i was unable to convert the ideas mentioned to attachMovie, having each instance organized as i mentioned. It gets a bit messed up in that part. I noticed this wen I requested the list of objects in the preview. So i had to try something else.

Thank you all again

I guess that means its fixed?

YAY are the winners! :stuck_out_tongue:

BTW if you are so curious, i posted also in:




copy paste for fun and profit!!

ooh, webforums and ultrashock…

must check those out…

you didnt hook up over at ultrashock thor?? :!: They aint so hot overthere anyway. Seems to like 90% bombshock or site checks or copycats

Did you take a look at the thread at WH? I love those guys :stuck_out_tongue:

lol, he got like 5 different answers.

i didn’t try all 5 of them, but i guess that there are many ways of doing things in actionscript. I had tried a couple of them before, none worked. By the way, a very big thanks to senocular. Your sugestion worked perfect!!:wink:

And for the record, I don’t like WH anymore :wink:

glad its working for ya ceze :slight_smile:

What’s up with WH anyway? A lot of old regulars say they don’t like it anymore :-\