Hey everyone. I’ve searched the forums, and google, but can’t get anywhere with this latest task I’ve been assigned. I really don’t have any idea where to start…
Basically, I need to build some sort of Jackpot counter. At the moment, what the powers that be want is to show a cash amount, and then it will do some fancy animation to a new dollar amount. These amounts would be from two days ago to yeserday. This helps protect showing how many users are currently playing (why this matters I don’t know).
I was thinking it would be easy enough to pass two values into flash and then just have an animation go… but i don’t know if I would be able to get the total to stop properly (this is why I am posting).
However, what I would like to do, and I am trying to convince the powers to do is to have a jackpot counter much like the ones at pogo.com, where the thing is constantly increasing, but I have no idea where to start with something like that.
If anyone has anything they could give me to start off, it would be much appreciated. Thank you,