I am developing my own search engine as a way for me to learn more programing languages and more about the web. I’ve come to a halt tho because I cant decide what language to make the web crawler in. Has anybody had experience with this or know of any websites on how to make web crawlers or tutorials that deal with scanning the web. I know… indexing the entire web requires many servers ect. but this is only for me to test and expand on ect.
C, C++, Perl, visiual, All very good… Personally… Combination of Perl and C.
Making a webcrawler is harder then you might think… Scanning IPs for websites then checking there content… I mean… hard stuff… but good luck
thanks - looking to be a slow start though because of lack of refrences on the web, altho I have books on C and visual but they dont help with connecting to sites and downloading info. Im also thinking java, any idea with that?
yep Java… actually should of put that in the list to… but no experiance with it… or little…
I made an apication… that went trow a web database and gatherd information…
basicly… it was… the C exe opening the perl script then storing the perl output in the database on my pc… thus making a back up… worked really nice…