Hello everyone!
I know what I am asking to do is pretty extensive, so I was hoping I could be pointed in the right direction (perhaps a site with a tutorial, or something similar).
Basically, I work at a company where I supervise a couple of hundred agents. These agents have to turn in forms that I then email off to another department. I receive several hundred of these forms a day, if not 1000+, and I would like to implement a PHP-based form that they can fill out themselves from their stations that sends the information directly to the next department. However, I would like to still be able to track these forms as saved in a database, so I can search by the fields contained within the form.
An example of the form can be seen here. It isn’t set up to function correctly at this point. I’m still trying to figure out how to make it so fields like the date cannot have more then 8 character, as well as how to make it so each field is required. But all I have so far is a PHP Form Mailer, one that will send it to a specified email address when completed, but nothing trackable.
For example, I’d like to be able to pull up a list of forms sent out by a particular agent ID, or perhaps a date, or maybe by account number. I know a php database can handle this, but I am unsure as how to set one up and implement my form mailer within that.
Any help or links to tutorials to get me moving would be greatly appreciated.
I thank you all in advance for the support!