Creating a Single-Page App in React using React Router

by kirupa | 5 March 2017

Now that you've familiarized yourself with the basics of how to work with React, let's kick things up a few notches. What we are going to do is use React to build a simple single-page app (also referred to as SPA by the cool kids...and people living in Scandinavia). Like we talked about in our React introduction forever ago, single-page apps are different from the more traditional multi-page apps that you see everywhere. The biggest difference is that navigating a single-page app doesn't involve going to an entirely new page. Instead, your pages (commonly known as views in this context) typically load inline within the same page itself:

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
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Hi, waht changes do I need to make to the code to get it running on react router 4.1.1?

Please help, as I am stuck on this since days.


Could you pls mention the github link for this code.

I havenā€™t had a chance to convert this example into React Router 4.1.1 yet, but Iā€™ll start fiddling with that shortly and post an update here once that has been done :slight_smile:

Thanx for the quick revert. Eagerly waiting for it.
Request you to provide it ASAP.

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Yes, please update ASAP. I purchased your book and couldnā€™t progress as this critical part isnā€™t working.

You can use the older version of React Router to get familiar with how it works, but updating it is on my to-do list :slight_smile:

Could you please explain how to do use the ā€˜older versionā€™ of React Router? Iā€™m just stuck trying follow the example in the book. Thanks

There is a typo in the React book currently. Please include this file:

<script src=""></script>

The book doesnā€™t have the ā€œ2.4.0ā€ version, and that causes the latest version to be incorrectly loaded. Itā€™s been on the bookā€™s hard-to-find errata page, so apologies for not spotting this as the problem earlier :slight_smile:

Thanks for the quick reply. Yes, that works now.

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I got the example in the tutorial working with react-router version 3.0.5 (loaded as an npm module). There are apparently a lot of breaking changes in version 4. In fact, it is described in various posts as a complete rewrite. Among other things, nesting of routes does not make the components associated with the child routes implicit ā€œchildrenā€ of the component that is associated with the parent route. As a result, the sample application does not work as-is with version 4.

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Yes - the breaking changes are quite numerous. Iā€™m in the process of re-writing that article right now, so expect an updated version in a few days (barring any unforeseen delays) :slight_smile:

thanks for this tutorial but i need a responsive menu ā€¦
someone do you have a tutorial to make a navbar react-bootstrap without webpack?
thanks a lot

I just updated this tutorial to work with React Router 4 and create-react-app! Sorry for the massive delay on that, everyone :slight_smile:

Hi kirupa, I followed your tutorial to create navigation in my project, But as soon as i introduced router in code. It fails with this exception
Stack: Invariant Violation: Hash history needs a DOM

It seems some imports are missing in your tutorial.

When we run npm start the default url is localhost:3000.

I was wondering if I can use my own domain dev instead of localhost without running nmp run build

Could you help me with this?

Does this help?


Why there is a ā€œ#ā€ in the urls,

Ex: http://localhost:3000/#/contact

how to remove that?

That is because you (and the tutorial) are using HashRouter. The BrowserRouter component should avoid that: :slight_smile:

I first made a simple nav with home ,contact ,about and with components having about, home,etc each having an index.jsx. Now I want to add a few sub sections like vision, acknowledgement ,etc in about section like a drop-down. I made different folders for them and linked them up but since I already had an about page , when I click on the about link in navbar, the drop down opens up as well the about page, which I donā€™t want anymore. What should I do?