I have a swf gallery that I created in flash MX which accesses images in folder using an XML file. This XML file has a header and a footer, and a standard image node for each image where the information of the exact name of each image... ie image01.jpg and the description of it ... and their locations .... is gallery01/image01.jpg etc, where gallery01 would be the folder. Currently all of this information about the images is entered by hand in the XML file and this task starts to become very tedious when there are many images per gallery. What I would like to konw.... and like to do... is create an swf or flash application that would create a the xml file... Ideally I would like the user to have a sort of gui in which each image from a folder to which he or she browses to ... is displayed... one at a time... and with the display of each image ... there is a text field where the user can name and type the description of the image.... and all of this data should somehow be recorded and stored in an XML file.
Now I dont even know if this is possible in Flash or if this was the right forum to post this question in … but any advise would be much appreciated.