Hi there
I was wondering if i could ask for you help. I am looking for a resource to help me build a whole site. All tutorials seem to focus on indiviual components of Flash but there is nothing out there that actually shows you how to build a whole site.
1. Planning it.
2. Creating some buttons.
3. Adding buttons to site.
4. Creating the individual pages each with own unique background.
5. How where do i place these background images.
6. Add page content within a scholl bar.
7. When page content comes in with a simple slide in animation.
8. What do you do with the buttons to enable them call a new page.
9. Creating a contact us form for the 10. contact us page
11. How to submit those details when submit clicked on contact page.
12. Implementing a page loading bar as the page initially loads.
Do you see where I am coming from. Nothing seems to be out there that actually takes you through the whole process of a whole site construction.
Can you reccomend where there might be?