Creating an email link

Hi guys… it’s been a while.

I have an email button on my site and I want to know how to set it up. Is it a “getURL” thing or some sort of “mailto:” deal.

You are all familiar with the email links that open an outlook email with the address in the “To:” field… Well that’s what I’m trying to do but I’m stuck. I know this is probably an easy one to answer but I’ve tried everything. Any suggestions?


[AS]on (release) {

I have tried that… It doesn’t seem to be working. Any thoughts as to why not?

What I did was…

With the text tool I wrote “email”. I converted to a button, added a rectangular hit state and a sound effect on the roll over… I added the script you mentioned above, but when I test movie it will recognize the button but I get no response from the click.

Any thoughts?


Test it on your browser

;)… Please forgive my stupidity… I can’t believe I didn’t do that…

I told you there was a simple solution… (grin)

Thanks much. :wink:


welcome :thumb: