Creating custom cursors in AS 3.0

I had this figured out in an earlier version of ActionScript, but it doesn’t work in 3.0…
I’ve been able to revise the code, where one custom cursor will come on the stage and work. My problem is how to have 2 custom cursors (or more.) I would like the user to click on an object in the scene (a movieclip named brush), that clip will become the custom cursor…when the user clicks on a different object (a bucket), the cursor becomes that MC. I’m posting what I have done so far…doesn’t accomplish what I need, though.
If anyone has suggestions, I’ll be thrilled to hear them!
thank you!

//the 2 movie clips I have in the scene are named brush and bucketvar cursor:Sprite = new Sprite ();addChild (brush);addChild (bucket);stage.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, redrawCursor);Mouse.hide();function redrawCursor (event: MouseEvent) :void{brush.x = event.stageX;brush.y = event.stageY;}

Hi, I checked this thread because I was also having trouble with custom cursors. I can get the custom cursor to display no problem - but when I try clicking on a button (either one I create myself or a component button) it doesn’t work.

Here is my code in case anyone is able to help. (note bt is component button and bt2 is one I created myself; cursorMC is just a movie clip symbol I exported for actionscript)

var cursor: cursorMC = new cursorMC();
function moveCursor(event:MouseEvent):void
cursor.x = event.stageX;
cursor.y = event.stageY;


function clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void{

trace ("clicked");


Just found the answer to my problem (custom cursor not clickable) thanks to I needed the extra line of code

cursor.mouseEnabled = false;

worked perfectly.