Hello All,
I am looking for a way to give different instance names or ids to each button/MovieClip while creating multiple movie clips using for loop like
for(var i:int = 0; i<3 ;i++)
var newBtn:Button = new Button();
newBtn.y = 100 + 50*i;
here in above script, multiple buttons are being generated, but I am not able to control them individual, to apply different effects or different sounds on rollover of each buttons.
Please help with proper example.
Thanks and Best regards
try something like this:
var btnArr:Array = new Array()
for(var i:int = 0; i<3 ;i++){
var newBtn:Button = new Button();
newBtn.y = 100 + 50*i;
that way you can control each single button with for example:
btnArr[0].x += 10;
or if you have a textfield callet “tf” in your button:
btnArr[1].tf.text = "I did this with an array"
PS: Tutorial
[quote=hasch2o;2329929]try something like this:
ActionScript Code:
[LEFT][COLOR=#000000]**var**[/COLOR] btnArr:[COLOR=#0000FF]Array[/COLOR] = [COLOR=#000000]**new**[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000FF]Array[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]([/COLOR][COLOR=#000000])[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#0000FF]for[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]([/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]var[/COLOR] i:[COLOR=#0000FF]int[/COLOR] = [COLOR=#000080]0[/COLOR]; i<[COLOR=#000080]3[/COLOR] ;i++[COLOR=#000000])[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]{[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000000]var[/COLOR] newBtn:[COLOR=#0000FF]Button[/COLOR] = [COLOR=#000000]new[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000FF]Button[/COLOR]COLOR=#000000[/COLOR];
newBtn.[COLOR=#000080]y[/COLOR] = [COLOR=#000080]100[/COLOR] + [COLOR=#000080]50[/COLOR]*i;
that way you can control each single button with for example:
ActionScript Code:
[LEFT]btnArr[COLOR=#000000][[/COLOR][COLOR=#000080]0[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]][/COLOR].[COLOR=#000080]x[/COLOR] += [COLOR=#000080]10[/COLOR];
or if you have a textfield callet “tf” in your button:
ActionScript Code:
[LEFT]btnArr[COLOR=#000000][[/COLOR][COLOR=#000080]1[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]][/COLOR].[COLOR=#000080]tf[/COLOR].[COLOR=#0000FF]text[/COLOR] = [COLOR=#FF0000]“I did this with an array”[/COLOR]
PS: Tutorial[/quote]
Let’s check !!
but when I am applying some effects
btnArr*.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, showEffect);
btnArr*.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, remEffect);
public function showEffect(event:MouseEvent):void
for (var i:int = 0; i < 3; i++)
btnArr*.filters = [ new DropShadowFilter(1,90) ];
public function remEffect(event:MouseEvent):void
for (var i:int = 0; i < 3; i++)
btnArr*.filters = [];
Drop shadow effect is coming to all buttons together while taking cursor over one button only
Hey Seek_nik
the problem is, that you are applying the filter to all your buttons (with the for loop)
try this:
btnArr*.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, showEffect);
btnArr*.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, remEffect);
public function showEffect(event:MouseEvent):void{
event.Target.filters = [ new DropShadowFilter(1,90) ];
public function remEffect(event:MouseEvent):void{
event.Target.filters = [];
does that work?
PS: no messenger, sorry, but I will keep an eye on the thread
If you are using or extending the MovieClip class instead, you can give each button a unique id as an attribute.
for(var i:int = 0; i<3 ;i++){
var newBtn:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
newBtn.y = 100 + 50*i;
newBtn.id = i; // you can call this what you want, for example newBtn.powerLevel
newBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btnClick);
private function btnClick(e:MouseEvent):void
trace("You clicked button number " + e.target.id);
This makes it easy to identify individual buttons, but also requires you to keep references to each button id (so that you know what should happen when button # is clicked).
Hope it works and helps
In the message you sent me, you said:
“event.target.filters is undefined”
let me know if it worked 
Oh, and btw: it has to be “target” and not “Target”, sorry for the typo!
[quote=doridori;2329940]If you are using or extending the MovieClip class instead, you can give each button a unique id as an attribute.
for(var i:int = 0; i<3 ;i++){
var newBtn:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
newBtn.y = 100 + 50*i;
newBtn.id = i; // you can call this what you want, for example newBtn.powerLevel
newBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, btnClick);
private function btnClick(e:MouseEvent):void
trace("You clicked button number " + e.target.id);
This makes it easy to identify individual buttons, but also requires you to keep references to each button id (so that you know what should happen when button # is clicked).
Hope it works and helps[/quote]
The moment I am doing newButton.id = i, the following error is coming
1119: Access of possibly undefined property id through a reference with static type fl.controls:Button.
while doing
event.Target.id.filters = [ new DropShadowFilter(1,90) ];
event.Target.filters = [ new DropShadowFilter(1,90) ];
The following error is coming…
1119: Access of possibly undefined property Target through a reference with static type flash.events:MouseEvent.
Please advise…
use “target” not “Target” and try again
Hey dear its Working, let me apply now sound on doing hover…
[quote=seek_nik;2329948]The moment I am doing newButton.id = i, the following error is coming
1119: Access of possibly undefined property id through a reference with static type fl.controls:Button.[/quote]
That is because your button has to be a MovieClip object to have custom attributes!
The Button class won’t work.
But don’t change it now if you got it working the other way 
[quote=doridori;2329957]That is because your button has to be a MovieClip object to have custom attributes!
The Button class won’t work.
But don’t change it now if you got it working the other way :)[/quote]
I think I need the id thing, because, I am storing sound paths in a array from xml, now while doing hover, I want to play some sound. So for that I need to know which button has been hovered so that accordingly that particular sound can be played according to the sound stored in particular array position. So here my code is,
newButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, playHandler);
newButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, stopHandler);
function playHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
if( sndPlaying ){
sndPlaying = true;
[COLOR=SandyBrown] [COLOR=Red]snd = new Sound(new URLRequest("soundA.mp3"));[/COLOR][/COLOR]
sndChannel = snd.play();
sndChannel.addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, completeHandler);
function stopHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
function completeHandler(event:Event):void
function stopSound():void
sndPlaying = false;
sndChannel.removeEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, completeHandler);
[COLOR=SandyBrown] [COLOR=Red]snd = new Sound(new URLRequest(“soundA.mp3”)); in this line I need to place the relevant variable to replace this “soundA.mp3”, so that dynamically the button can play the relevant sound.[/COLOR][/COLOR]
[quote=seek_nik;2329970]I think I need the id thing, because, I am storing sound paths in a array from xml, now while doing hover, I want to play some sound. So for that I need to know which button has been hovered so that accordingly that particular sound can be played according to the sound stored in particular array position. So here my code is,
newButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, playHandler);
newButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, stopHandler);
function playHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
if( sndPlaying ){
sndPlaying = true;
[COLOR=SandyBrown] [COLOR=Red]snd = new Sound(new URLRequest("soundA.mp3"));[/COLOR][/COLOR]
sndChannel = snd.play();
sndChannel.addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, completeHandler);
function stopHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
function completeHandler(event:Event):void
function stopSound():void
sndPlaying = false;
sndChannel.removeEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, completeHandler);
[COLOR=SandyBrown] [COLOR=Red]snd = new Sound(new URLRequest(“soundA.mp3”)); in this line I need to place the relevant variable to replace this “soundA.mp3”, so that dynamically the button can play the relevant sound.[/COLOR][/COLOR][/quote]
Hello dear,
I have resolved also, I mean the id, what I have done is, I have already made a button component into a movieclip, so I used that as var newButton:clickButton = new clickButton(); actually clickButton which I made a movie clip in library.
So id Problem is resolved, nd now to call sound files…
[quote=seek_nik;2329984]Hello dear,
I have resolved also, I mean the id, what I have done is, I have already made a button component into a movieclip, so I used that as var newButton:clickButton = new clickButton(); actually clickButton which I made a movie clip in library.
So id Problem is resolved, nd now to call sound files…[/quote]
Loadz of Thanks to both of you, its done…
Great, congratulations!
Hope you’re happy with your result 
Good to hear
and thanks for the feedback