Creating Flash Player

needHelp.please {

i am trying to create a player that s something like this one. It will take jpg images of strips from local folder and play.

one like that has been created here before my time. here is the code for strips…

  1. is there a way to not make it so complicated?
  2. can anyone find a mistake here, it does not load strips properly…

function loadUp () {
_root.nav._x = -(_root.clipWidth);
_root.butts._x = 0;
duplicateMovieClip(“butn”, “butn0”, 1);
setProperty(“butn0”, _x, 0);
loadMovie(mdm.Application.path + “strips/strip0.jpg”, “butn0”);
duplicateMovieClip(“butn”, “butn1”, 2);
setProperty(“butn1”, _x, _root.clipWidth);
loadMovie(mdm.Application.path + “strips/strip1.jpg”, “butn1”);
duplicateMovieClip(“butn”, “butn2”, 3);
setProperty(“butn2”, _x, (2 * _root.clipWidth));
loadMovie(mdm.Application.path + “strips/strip2.jpg”, “butn2”);
_root.clipNum = -(_root.clipWidth * 1.5)
_root.count = 0;

function mover () {
//set up three clips
n = _root.count + 3;
dup = “butn” + n;
duper = “butn” + (n-1);
getAway = “butn” + _root.count;
//if we’re not out of strips or on the first strip
stillStrips = (n <= _root.tmi);
if (stillStrips) {
//add strip to right
duplicateMovieClip(“butn”, dup, n +1);
newPos = Number(getProperty(duper, _x))+ _root.clipWidth;
setProperty(dup, _x, newPos);
loadMovie(mdm.Application.path + “strips/strip” + n + “.jpg”, dup)
//remove strip to left
_root.clipNum = _root.clipNum - _root.clipWidth;
_root.count ++;

function quickMover () {
navX = getProperty(_root.slider,_x);
//remove clips
rem = _root.count
removeMovieClip(“butn” + rem);
removeMovieClip(“butn” + (rem + 1));
removeMovieClip(“butn” + (rem + 2));

//what percent is slider at
_root.sliderPercent = (navX - _root.sliderX)/687;
//which strip of nav
_root.tempCount = (_root.sliderPercent * _root.totalLength)/_root.clipWidth;
//move nav to new pos
_root.count = Math.floor(_root.tempCount);
_root.nav._x =((_root.sliderPercent * _root.totalLength) + _root.clipWidth) * (-1);
_root.butts._x = _root.nav._x + (_root.clipWidth - 37.2);

//set up three clips
abc = _root.count;
dup = "butn" + abc;
duplicateMovieClip("butn", dup, abc);
newPos = (abc * _root.clipWidth);
setProperty(dup, _x, newPos);
loadMovie(mdm.Application.path + "strips/strip" + abc + ".jpg", dup);

dup2 = "butn" + abc;
duplicateMovieClip("butn", dup2, abc);
newPos2 = (abc * _root.clipWidth);
setProperty(dup2, _x, newPos2);
loadMovie(mdm.Application.path + "strips/strip" + abc + ".jpg", dup2);

if (abc &lt;= _root.tmi) {
dup3 = "butn" + abc;
duplicateMovieClip("butn", dup3, abc);
newPos3 = (abc * _root.clipWidth);
setProperty(dup3, _x, newPos3);
loadMovie(mdm.Application.path + "strips/strip" + abc + ".jpg", dup3);
_root.clipNum = -((_root.count * _root.clipWidth) + (1.5 * _root.clipWidth));
_root.totalNavXPos = _root.nav._x;
_root.totalButXPos = _root.butts._x;


function slider() {
//set slider pos
_root.navPosPercent = -(( _root.nav._x + _root.clipWidth)/_root.totalLength);
_root.slidePos = (_root.navPosPercent * 687) + _root.sliderX;
if(_root.isCreated) {