Hi, I haven’t even gone so far as to try any kind of prototyped idea of this as I just do not want to get myself bogged down on any wrong route, as from past experience, I don’t want to waste a weeks worth of time and hair.
here’s the problem…:hugegrin:
I am currently poulating a Flash production for a client with XML generated data, simply so that I can give my client a piece of work which they themselves can update easily. The problem comes from the fact that I could have quite a lot of information hanging around in the form of a multi dimensional array structure where the XML data will be placed after parsing.
Ideally I would like the ability to create a delimited Multi-dimensional array, which can dynamically update it’s size, without me having to declare an array of 32000 cells each time, which could waste system resources to a stupid proportion.
any help with this would be appreciated.
I have tried:-
_global.myArray = new Array();
but it didn’t seem to initialise the array unfortunately…