Creating Online Training Courses

Hi Everybody,
I’m working at a company specialising in online training (related to the building & construction industry mainly - but also things such as occuptional health and safety) and we’re starting to put courses online. We’re currently using Composica and are looking to make the jump to Flash since it looks much nicer and has much more functionality.

I’ve used flash for a while (mainly designing) and have some basic knowledge in Actionscript 3 - the main issue is not knowing how to make Actionscript communicate with HTML (probably Javascript even) to relay the results of the course / test to the main webpage, saying whether the participant has passed or not, also to block them from going to the next chapter if they haven’t completed the current and maybe even save their place if they have to leave halfway through.

I know a little of ExternalInterface but have no idea how to go about implementing it to make it work the way we need - the company are willing to get me some training but we don’t know what I actually need to know to get this done… Any advice? Thanks for any help :smiley: