Creating Slot Machine...please help me


I’m not really good with As but I need to make this project and I don’t see a way to make it…i’m trying and trying but it won works so please help me if you can.

I’m working on a slot machine file and i found this kind of explanation:

It’s pretty old so I updated the old tellTargets to the new syntax.

The problem is that I want to do a Slot Machine that is always random and NEVER win.
It must win just 1 time every 10 minutes or somethink like that.

I have no idea how to can make it.
I’m stucked on this 1 week. Can u help please?

This is too classic of a ‘do my homework’ thread. Get started and come back with specific questions and I’m sure you’ll get more responses.

oh and edit: If you’re not good at AS, how come you are doing the project?

[quote=sekasi;2342676]This is too classic of a ‘do my homework’ thread. Get started and come back with specific questions and I’m sure you’ll get more responses.

oh and edit: If you’re not good at AS, how come you are doing the project?[/quote]

I’m a designer and I’m in a flash course and this is my home work task…so I’m learning As and I hope to be better.

Of course if someone can do my homework and explain me how to do it it will be great but for me it’s ok just some input, some who show me the way…I’m really stucked on it.

I’m trying to rethink all the process.
For exemple I’m trying to make some movieclips and at the and put some action using if and else like: If the first reel is a Cherry the second must be somethink random between an Apple and a Star" and so on…in this way I’ll never will have equal result.

Thant I link this to a countdown… so if the variableTime is > than 0 execute these If i mentioned abow.

If the time is equal to 0 (countodown is finished) show the equal results.

Is this the right way to do it?
If yes, I’m having just problems in convert it in As but I think it’s pretty easy and it can be made with some Ifs and Random (the Random funcion is what i Don’t know at all and I’m studing it).

The problem is that I’m stucked on it and don’t know how to fit all these together.
Do u think U can help me in some way please?

Ok I did it. Finally done!
I did like I side in the upper post…it was quiet difficult to me understand how “random” works but i done it.
So this thread can be considered close.