Critique and Experts needed!

Aside from the imported jpegs done in Photoshop, it’s all flash baby! I really have no knowledge in director or any 3d programs to mix in with it. Actually I tried rendering some 3d images in 3D Studio Max, but that just didn’t work out well.

is sound missing from your site or am i deaf :wink: btw, the text you (want) to load never showed up…Sometimes loading info from a txt file lags…for some reason.

There is no sound Paranoid - I’m not a fan of sound coming from websites since it disturbs the current tunes to which I am jamming to. Plus, I didn’t want to add to the already enormous download.

Yes, I am actually having problems with the text thing (you’ll see above that I posted it). The text took a while to load so I added a “Loading Text” anim (to check if the text variables are empty), but it won’t show up for some reason. I have been trying to fix it, on and off, or weeks!

with your metaphor (machinery, conveyer belt etc) you’d be remiss not to add sound i’m afraid. For me, sound is one of the things that FLASH exemplefies in the new media–creative use of sound.

would’nt you say that one noticing the lack of sound draws attention to the fact that it may be worthwhile to add it to your site?

I think forgetting sound in flash is akin to using straight bitmap grapics…it defeats the purpose.

It depends. Music?, I’d leave that out in almost any site that I made, but sound effects… yeah, I’d say that they would improve the site.

But quite a handful of people have told me or responded to a site check thread that they liked that I didn’t a) have a pop-up for my interface and/or b) used sound. But you are right: maybe a “doing” when a button is pressed or “ting” when content is loaded or “buzz” when the conveyor belt rolls would be effective. I do want to fully utilize flash’s capabilities after all. I’ll look into it as soon as I fix this loading text thing.

using a program such as Soundforge, and export correctly, sounds will barely make an impact. As always you can use shared libraries, in a separate file, downloaded after the main content appears, and link sounds from there. All the best sites in flash do use sound though :wink:

Neato! I actually visited this site maybe a month or so ago. I think it was a link from avocado-something or

That was before I found kirupa’s site actually. Small digital world; I didn’t know that was you. :slight_smile:

I like the style of the main site. I feel like I am inside iconfactory. :slight_smile:

Great stuff, Renni!

Now if only I could find a girlfriend in Houston that did Flash. Heck, I’d be happy with a girlfriend that even knew what Flash was. :stuck_out_tongue:


Stop daydreaming, t2d…
RenniGi, will you tell me some day how you did that rolling carpet thing ???

pom 0]

I could tell you right now!

The carpet (or conveyor belt) isn’t actually rolling, but the little dashes move along to make it look like it’s rolling. That’s accomplished with a simple motion tween with a guide so that it hugs the belt’s surface. Add a couple of rolling wheels and the effect is accomplished!

And ofcourse, the thing rolls on command using the “tellTarget” function.

Ok, so please go to this post :…=444.topic
I explain my problem a little bit better…

pom 0]

Thanks for quoting me in your site !!

pom 0]

I have to get that * conveyor belt* (* rolling carpet* sounds better) to work !! This is making me crazysensei !!

Hey did you check out my responses to that other thread? I didn’t hear from you anymore after that… so I’m not sure if you need additional help.

Yes I got it. Actually I didn’t try that hard to have it working. Darn exams !!
I’ll try after that.


pom 0]

well an exclllent site a very good job
keep up the good work
by any chance can u guide me as to how can i get the text scroller with the scroll bar can u guide me to some tutorial i am in need of that very badly

Sure! Here you go:…ndex.shtml

thanx a lot for the link i think thatz really going to help me
thanx again

Just did a pretty big overhaul on the site. If you check it out again, you won’t notice a difference, but it’s running much more efficiently in the backend. There are no anim tweens and everything is running on Actionscript. Now, the main interface loads and you can play around with it while everything else loads. Plus I added a guestbook.

The guestbook’s great (I wrote the 1st post ! Génial…)
But there are a couple of things that are not as good as it used to be :
the scrolbar, I don’t like the design. It used to be so cute, now this blue scrollbar really clashes with the rest (my opinion)
the * conveyor belt* animation isn’t as smooth as it used to be. I don’t know what’s causing this (maybe the fact that you’re using scripts now ?) but it was better…

It’s still very good looking, but not as good.

pom 0]

Ily: No, it didn’t sound like you don’t like the site. So you like the old textbox interface? Would it help if I changed the scrollbar to orange? I wanted it to actually have the effect of a blue pipe that slided on this silver pole… but I guess it’s not clear. Would it help if I changed the blue to orange or did you just like the shape of the old scroller?

Also, what about the sounds? This is my first time using sounds.
Does it sound ok? I’m not too crazy about the sound I chose for the conveyor belt, but it was the best one I could find that wasn’t a really enormous file.

As far as the belt anim - I’ll try to tweek the code to get it to run more smoothly. That’s the nice thing about having it scripted - I just have to adjust the speed variable!

[EDIT] Ok Ily, I just changed the scrollers to orange - does that make it any better? Do you still think I should revert back to the old text console? I also updated the scroller for the guestbook entries - is that scroller better?