I’ve been building a virtual tour/interactive map for my college (Wentworth Institute of Technology) and I wanted to know if you guys could take a look and give some critiques/comments.
This was my first time using Flash 8, and using it to build something interactive (last time I used flash was in highschool to make animations with Flash 4.0). I think it’s ok, my boss loves it (I’m on co-op with my college) but I would like some real expert input. Someone else is in charge of writing content, so that is why everything is blank. I’m also still trying to optimize the file,right now it is about 5.5MB.
The biggest challenge was having both pan & zoom effects. I solved this with some clever collision detections that re-center the map after zooming (there are still a few bugs). I still havent been able to get the map to zoom to the center (it always zooms to the top left corner).
Some of the pages have quicktime 360 images, where you can pan around the room.
Please check it out and let me know what you think, or any improvements you can think of.
EDIT: Oh and I would like to thank the many, many, many users who have posted threads about Interactive maps/pan & zoom/ect… I’ve read pages and pages of threads from this forum while working on this, and they have all been a big help.