This is a site I did for a final project for a class. I would really appreciate any comments/criticisms.
oooOo. Nice and clean…
I like it alot, very professional feel to it. =)
I think one thing that is missing is some sound. IT doesn’t have to be much. Maybe a nice quite BG abmbance adn some soft button sounds. I liked the menu and the colors of the site. The navigation was easy to use and the content was easy to read. Nice site(-:
Is all of the content yours or just used for the project?
really nice site, but one thing, put the “view HTML” option outside of the Flash movie.
Thanks for the responses.
The content is not mine.
Why do you feel it is better to have “view HTML site” outside of the movie?
If they don’t have flash or don’t want to view a flash site they will never see your content because the link to the HTML is inside. If it is out side on a splash screen it gives them the option of what to view.
because even though 98% of browsers now have flash plugin built in. That 2% won’t be able to view it.
Since you don’t have a splash page either, if the viewer doesn’t have the plugin - there’s no alternative way to view the site.
If the view html site is not within flash, even though they don’t have the plugin -they still can see the link.
or better yet, add a flash detection script.
or make a splash with the option to view either one.
When this goes live at in a few days /index.html is going to be a flash detection page so only those with flash are going to be directed the page you see here, but the client wanted the option of still being able to go the html page.
wow, i really like it. nice and clean, what I like. :). very unique on the menu, and nice *** logo. text logos are good if used properly.
however, I think it would be neat if you added the color orange you are using to the left and right side… but dont box the thing in. just have the left and right columns orange, and the top and bottom (where the flash is) white… it would be quite effective. imo.
great job.