Critique this layout/ Help w/ Animation! PIMPS ONLY! lol

Hello all,

You must be a pimp if you’re viewing this thread. :cap: :geek:

Anyways, below you’ll see a pic of a site I started today. Just thought I’d post to get some ideas from you guys. It’s a painting company website and I’ve had a hard time coming up with any ideas so if you have one share it and I’ll owe ya. :ear: :wink: Feel free to be nasty with this site 'cause as I said it was a struggle just to get here, I’m open to anything.

Okay, I’d also like to take this opportunity to see if anyone can help me with this animation idea I have. Look at the pic in the bottom left hand corner, there’s a paint roller. I would like to have that thing come alive and paint over the big white box with another colour or have it reveal another page as the ‘paint’ is being rolled. I wondering if this will be too proccessor intensive or not 'cause I don’t think I have the skills to actionscript it. Any help or guidance will earn you young fellas a coke and everyone else will get a beer. (actually I’ll drink a beer for every reply 'cause this is the only work I have for the next week. lol)

Sorry for the long post.:ne:

btw what do you think of the logo?

I like everything about it EXCEPT for the little picture in the lower left, and the other version of it in the upper right that is rotated a little. There is just something about them I don’t like… they just seem too busy with all the lines and such… I would definently remove the one in the upper right, and maybe change the one in the lower left to a zoom of a paintbrushs bristles or something? Just something more solid instead of 3 little things in a pile. I like the colors a lot though. you could probably play off of the “test strip” thing for design in the subpages too.

For the picture above I intend on having the colour sampler changing colours. Pretty easy effect and I think it’ll look alright.

Yea, I think I’ll get rid of the pics you mentioned APDesign.

Thanks for the input

no problem, I was just thinking about how many possibilities there are with the whole color picker thing… I never thought anything that had to do with a painting company could be interesting. :smiley:

Interesting! C’mon give me ideas! I’ve been struggling with this thing since 6am and that’s all I’ve got. lol

i think that the paint roller idea for the transitions is a good one…

Actionsripting it would be difficult, i think, but if you animated it, it might turn out to be okay… I would maybe get rid of the image in the top right hand corner, but run with your idea, as it is exactly the kind of thing that flash is suited for…

Hey Mejeye thanks for the feedback!

Do you think I should make the paint roller roll on a colour or roll on the next page (images, text and all)? Do you know what I mean? I’m just wondering if rolling on the images will be too much.

The moore paints logo at the bottom rigth doesn’t go with it… at all… other than that; good job!

I know what you mean terminator. I think I’ll keep everything within the main box.


Phil I’m way ahead of you. Sadly I’ve got a buzz and I’m by myself and have no desire to work on that thing anymore. I already have a very cool paint brush effect but it’s top secret.

*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *
A beer for every reply?

Off topic: Phil! Have you given your f==ph campain up??